Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Library Cards ... Plus One.

A WOMAN of my word, tonight I will produce for you three library cards and one surprise: an epilogue, of sorts.
Dawn decorated her library card pocket, front and back, with a chilling reminder of this disquieting little tale.
She got the very first part of the story and really set the tone for the whole shebang - in my mind, anyway. The kitty footprints on the card's back are also her doing.

The other card I got was from Michelle (Part 2) and I loved it also. Its tin foil heart is perfect for Johnny, the "hero" of the story. These artists have all focused in on elements from the tale and then found just the right words and/or images to put onto the card pockets. I know I've told them all before, but it is really thrilling to see these works and the imaginations bubbling away, turning them into certifiable gems.

Then Nathalie turned hers in, and what fun! There's love in this story and Michelle and Nathalie both illustrate it. Nathalie's working on the jealousy factor. Oh those blushing cheeks!

So what happens, but the other day someone dropped by the newspaper office where I work and left a library card with the receptionist! However, the receptionist didn't get her name and I didn't get a look at the mystery artist and I was left only with my detective skills - which the Mister says are pretty sharp. Here's the card and see if you come up with the same information I did: 1. Has access to a typewriter. 2. Knows the Dewey Decimal System and has classified my "book" under the 700s, "arts and recreation" category. 3. Has access to her own stash of library cards. 4. Knows I've been working on this project. 5. Knows where I work and how I spell my name. 6. Is a creative person.
All deductions, my good Watson, that led me to believe it was CAROL at the Main Library.
And it was!! Oh, I love someone who wants to play my games. (I think I will have to write an epilogue to the story for Carol's card contribution.
NOW, since today is the last day of March, it was the unofficial deadline for the cards - which, to be fair, I did not tell everyone. So JoAnn, my friend at work, marched in this morning with her finished project and it.was.right.on.the.money.
I think all of us felt we might not come up with the "right stuff" and be "good enough," but forget about that. It's been fantastic.
When I get the last of the cards I am going to make a small "publication" and turn it into a portable document file - the story with illustrations. A little digital e-book that I can e-mail out to anyone who wants one. There is a cost however. Comments! Comments will have to be given to the artists. It's only fair - femminismo
p.s. Thanks to everyone who's played. The rest of you know what you have to do now.


Brenda said...

I have absolutely loved seeing all the mini artworks arrive, they are all so unique and wonderful.

Acornmoon said...

This looks like a very interesting project, you have such a wide variety of designs.

Unknown said...

It's fun to see this project coming together. I'll be mailing you my original art soon. Come on over and see my pocket card skinny books. :)

3rdEyeMuse said...

thank you for letting me be a part of this project - I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's interpretations and am anticipating the final publication. :)

Candace said...

These are so much fun to see and read about. You are so creative to cook up such a project... and say, you can always be a detective, considering you so easily "deduced" who was the artist behind the mystery there, My Dear Holmes.

Take care!

ArtSparker said...

A delightful unexpected addition to your canon...what fun!

RosieK said...

Mine will be with you soon!

RosieK said...

well I've finally done it!! can you email me your address and I can post it to you - and email you the photo I took too!