Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Forgiveness - a powerful weapon

"Forgiveness liberates the soul. It removes fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon." from the movie "Invictus"
The movie had hardly begun when Morgan Freeman, as Nelson Mandela, utters this line. A sob caught in my throat and tears filled my eyes.

The concept is beautiful and so simply stated, yet its application is so very, very difficult. But how much of life could be so beautiful if even half of our world was able to do this? - femminismo


Fresca said...

I liked that movie a lot, partly because it shows the rather plodding work of forgiveness, not flashy Broadway-show-style forgiveness.

Steve said...

Plainly I need to see this movie at the earliest opportunity.

Laura said...


Anonymous said...


it's probably only taken me thirty years to figure out

you forgive to free YOURSeLF - not the other person...

Candace said...

And if they do not ask for forgiveness, what then? A true conundrum... but say, I love that da Vinci!