Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 11, 2011 - Beautiful Day

OFF AND ON the sunlight flashes through the trees and the blue overhead dazzles through most of today - so far.
I have made the bed, swept, dusted, polished, watered plants, washed windows and clothes and groomed plants and sprayed aphids (yes!) and I have even had time to adore my flowers and take some pictures.
Sitting on the ground taking photos led to laying on the ground admiring the trees and clouds. The ground feels good for a while and takes me back to childhood, watching the clouds sail past.
The allium schubertii bulbs I planted this past fall have bloomed, despite my fears they would rot in the ground since we had such a wet winter and spring. Wet? I don't think "wet" describes it, but I can't think of another word. I got the bulbs from White Flower Farm and would recommend them.
I really like them against the gray-green velvet of the lambs ear plant. These flowering alliums are huge.
There are so many lovely plants blooming in the garden right now and I'm hoping to transform the front yard this fall and make a small, intimate garden to observe and enjoy from our front living room window.
There is a very large magnolia tree there that I want to keep and build everything else around it.
I've been checking out books and Horticulture magazines from the library and they have been helpful, but I don't quite have my ideal in mind just yet.
Let's see; what else did I want to show you? Oh, how about this rose that - with your eyes closed - you could imagine is a ripe, lovely melon. The smell is a 9 on a scale of one to 10. Jude the Obscure is a 10, but I don't have on of those - yet!
Tonight we are going to a concert in Portland to see John Hiatt (acoustic guitar) and Lyle Lovett together. It should be a memorable night with these two. Who knows what might happen? The band might invite us to go out with them after the show? Well, who knows? Stranger things have happened.
The lilywort is blooming too. Got to enjoy them because it doesn't seem they last long.
And this tiny blue flower in the back of the herb garden ... what is it? I hope it's not borage.
Well, time for another load of clothes in the washer, so I'd best get going. Time is a'wasting this Saturday afternoon - femminismo


Steve said...

Thank you so much for a reminder of summer... it's totally grey here and wet, wet, wet.

Judy Wise said...

Love your blue flower Jeanne but I don't know the name of it either. I had a friend out in Vernonia who had an all blue and white garden. That was so pretty. xo

femminismo said...

Found out the name of the blue flower! I looked through my White Flower Farm catalog and found it's tradescantia ('tee-uh), also known as Spiderwort. Each flower lasts one day and the plant is fairly easy, liking full sun or partial shade and either soggy or quite dry soil.

Jill Zaheer said...

Beautiful following of a gorgeous day- filled with such vivid shots of nature and flowers at its best. In awe of your knowledge of all of the flowers- guess apartment life doesn't lend itself as well to that. How lucky you are to have such a gorgeous garden. Hope the concert was great as well!

Candace said...

How I love the garden and the myriad descriptions you provide here. I have a lovely Faerie Garden starting up after losing all my sunflowers (darn those chipmunks!)... try try again. The photos here are inspiring and your day ultra busy! Hope you are well!


Acornmoon said...

I love those Alliums in particular!

Jenny Woolf said...

That rose is lovely. What is it called? By the way, I wanted to link to the journal but there wasn't a link. I'll investigate your other blogs.

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh, it was a problem with my end. I've linked to your beautiful journal now. (I love the human clock, also. )