Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More nature journaling

Pausing to draw the plants growing in my area, I found Jerusalem sage. Typing so slowly with my fingertips poking away at flat little images of letters on my phone, I feel the words don't flow as easily as usual. I am thinking at a different speed.
There is also echinacea here. Fun to draw. These plants were in Forest Grove at McMenamins Grand Lodge.
Peanut butter plant from our back yard, and I learned the proper name for this plant. Also some hydrangea growing nearby.
Again at McMenamins I sketched the strawberry bush. There were lots of bees and the day was so sunny. Wonderful for November!
Ciao - femminismo.


Laura said...

Wonderful images.

Unknown said...

Jeanne, These are wonderful! I just knew you would take to this nature journaling.