Monday, January 6, 2014

There is a crack in everything

January 6 - 30-day journal

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

- Leonard Cohen

The crack that lets the light come in can also allow inspiration to occur. What a concept!

Until I made the list of things I could offer imperfectly, I didn't realize how many more things I could offer (and try without much anguish). Allowing yourself to do things imperfectly sure gives you more to try - femminismo


Fresca said...

Oooooh--you still have one of those machines that raises letters on plastic strips! Just seeing that again is an "offering" of a kind too---so fun!
I'm loving your daily art.

femminismo said...

Yes, Fresca! Fun to use. I couldn't find my letter stamps and I know if I can't find things quickly I'll lose inspiration - and like a champ, the lettering labeller appeared!