Saturday, April 30, 2011

Book Sale!

It has been a busy month, and with April turning in its grave - twisting and moaning - but ending with sunshine and breezes here in Oregon, we're about to enter the happy days of May. Thoughts of picnics (maybe), camping trips (probably) and more opportunities to get out and enjoy the fair weather. We hope!
Today I'm going to a book sale at the Main Library with my brother and we'll not doubt find one or two volumes to bring home. I seem to remember the sale last year when I paid an exorbitant amount for a used book I hoped to tear apart. Where is that now?
After that I want to stop by Primroses & Tumbleweeds, a new wine/boutique opening today in town. They will have Champagne for sale and other wonderful items. They have a Facebook page.
Farmers Market is opening too. Plant starts, I will bet - galore!
Talk atcha later - femminismo


Steve said...

Sounds like you have a great day planned - enjoy it!

Julie Fillo said...

Recipe for Pavlova:

Enjoy! Julie