Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10th and 10 Objects that Begin with "M"

May 10th calls for 10 new objects. No repeats, no pictures taken by anyone else, no pictures taken on another day. I can't believe I can make up such ruthless rules for myself. Here we go:
Don't be scared! It's just "ME."
Good thing I work near a museum!
Just a little bit "mac.... ."
Things that are small are "m........ ."
My brand new yoga m.. . Did you get them all? I hope so! I am now going to close my eyes and probably dream of fighting software. That was my dream last night and why should tonight be different? - femminismo


Steve said...

Wow! You've set yourself a Massive task!

Laura said...

Absolutely aMazing!!!

Anonymous said...

i think there are some cool freemason medal there too...