Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Second Day of Solitude.

TREASURE; time alone - and time, alone - is treasure. Spoiling yourself until you can't stand it.
Sitting by the fire, watching a movie (any movie you want without anyone saying a thing), a walk on the beach (walking at your own speed - not keeping up, not getting ahead), taking a nap, finding another book to read. Carving a stamp!
What a charmed life I lead.
I found a way to take pictures with my BlackBerry and then download them onto the computer. So here we go. Let's see what it looks like! The seagull obliged me by staying put so I could include three elements. (As always, click on the photos to see them in larger format.)
I found a shoreline full of white shells and arranged them into this word which describes my state today: PEACE.
If you have found peace today in some small way, shape or form I hope you savored it. My walk on the beach was invigorating and daring. I tend to stay by myself when I'm alone, so I'm glad I went out and played with the waves and saw such a great sunset - femminsimo


Dawn Sellers said...

Oh how wonderful, I feel the sense of peace just from your photos. Yay for carving a stamp! I hope you enjoy every moment of your solitude.

Seth said...

This sounds like paradise. Make the most of every second!

annette emms said...

Simple pleasures made very special by your gratitude. Bless you.x

Brenda said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful, relaxing, peaceful time. Love your photos.

3rdEyeMuse said...

I was lucky enough to find a moments peace simply looking at that peace-full photo!

thank you. :)

Candace said...

Jeanne, I love the spelled out PEACE on the beach. Is anything more wonderful than the beach, the ocean? Can't wait to see that carved stamp!