Like being a parent you can't let this "child" out of your sight. It mustn't lose its significance, its promise and its purpose.
This lady knows it. When the pages of the book close, ooh la la! What's that she's singing? Is it a song of love to him, or a song of woe to herself. (She looks a bit sad, doesn't she?)
Perhaps her sweet voice will charm this Romeo again.
And this dry leaf of summer is getting a tiny bit of rain in Oregon today. Very tiny. Almost gone now. Thanks for sticking with me if you're reading this. More tomorrow, I promise - femminismo
p.s. I'm going to do a Labor Day shrine with Candace at EyeCandy! A shrine to love, perhaps? ; )
Oh gosh, excellent post! Joseph Campbell said something I liked along these lines but to paraphrase -- In a marriage, there's you, there's the spouse and between the two of you, holding on as best it can, is the marriage itself.
Oh and I do love that leaf there. I have a red one just now in the back yard.... where is our summer going so fast!?
Candace in Athens.
I thought at first it was Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy.
Thank heavens we're not expected to marry into wealth to support the rest of the family these days, well in most countries that is.
He does look a bit like Mr. Darcy, or perhaps Mr. Darcy's cousin by his mother's first husband. Oh, I'm judging Mr. Darcy's looks by Colin Firth - (swoon). Saying *that* name first thing in the morning is dangerous! Now my mind will be half gone all day thinking about his long legs and bum in those tight trousers they used to wear. Bawdy thoughts first thing in the a.m. - femminismo
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