Well, still working, but sipping while I work!
Later on, after sipping, I'm going to be skipping off to Valley Art where we will be saying adieu to a much loved volunteer: Catherine Wildt.
She is originally from New Zealand, and we will miss the lilt of her voice. But most of all we will miss her many contributions to the Valley Art Gallery. I think we all realized how much she does for us in the course of a week ... month ... year. But filling her shoes will be an awesome task and may take six or seven of us. Whenever anyone had a question it was : Ask Catherine.

To show her how much I love her I stayed up until late last night baking a Chai Spiced Cheesecake with Ginger Crust. You don't even want to imagine how many calories one slice has! (I certainly don't.) But I will be enjoying a slice of this delight while we have to say goodbye to our other delight - Catherine. She will be another reason to visit the City of Brotherly Love when she's settled into her new East Coast home. Bon voyage, Catherine - femminismo
Oh Jeanne, I understand how you all must feel, losing such a good friend and coworker. I know how important Valley Art Gallery is to so many of you out there and yet, Philly must be needing her. And where one leaves, one steps in.
The cake! The cake, the cake. It looks and sounds scrumptilicious. Mmm... how about that recipe, Pal?
Seriously,that photo is just fantastic! Food for the tum AND a feast for the eyes.
Take care,
I found the recipe online at Bon Appetit under chai spice cheesecake with ginger crust. Let's talk about time: this one takes a little! Start early in the day. - Jeanne
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