Sunday, June 10, 2007


Yesterday, my three brothers, two sisters, two brothers-in-law and a sister-in-law and I spent the morning at breakfast and then drove to the small cemetery in the town where we grew up. We wanted to cover the newer family plots with red rock, put fencing around them and decorate with flowers, since we couldn't all get together on Memorial Day to do this.
The fencing didn't work, but the rock did give it a fresher look. Miniature roses were planted at the foot of the graves, along with a small lilac tree. Across the way, beside the holly tree, we planted a snowball bush - just like the one that grew at home in our front yard. We used to have spring snowball fights with all the pretty flowers, much to our mother's chagrin.
I post the photo here so my cousins can see the results. It's a pretty little place, this rustic country cemetery, with tall fir trees and lots of memories.
I've included a clipping of Grandma and Pop Pop at his retirement "going away." The cake says "So long, Tex!" Tex was his nickname. It's one of the few photographs we have of the two of them together.

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