Even if we could take the knowledge we have now and go back in time and learn more to add to it, we would still be lacking essential coping skills. Over and over we could go, through hundreds of lifetimes of learning and we would always be missing something.
So we just go on doing the best we can with what we've got now. We take classes and talk to people who've walked the path before us and we pray for insight and the power to do right and say the proper thing at the proper time and thereby avoid disaster.
Tomorrow - or today, depending on when you read this - take a moment to realize that you are not all powerful and you do not have all the answers and the only consistent path that's ever accomplished anything R.E.A.L. is love. I'll work from there I guess until I can't do it any more.
Vague? Esoteric? Perhaps.
Can't say more because I don't tell my blog journal everything. Some things are just taken on faith - femminismo
Well said, Jeanne! One of my fave flicks is "Groundhog Day". The first time I saw it, I itched to know HOW MANY TIMES he had lived it again and again and ... ?
And that shot is so perfect to go with the subject matter. Is that Louise or Clara? Do we care? (I bet SHE knows Caligari!)
Esoteric? Mmm... how about plain old good sense?
Your Pal.
Esoteric AND good sense. Thanks for your comment on my blog- so nice to discover yours!
Reb (aka Purely Decorative)
"realize that you are not all powerful and you do not have all the answers and the only consistent path that's ever accomplished anything R.E.A.L. is love." ... brilliant.
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