Well, I got photos of sky, ground and nothing much else. So much for random. I tried being just a little bit more focused, but not looking at the camera during the shot. Just sort of
I'm also down-sizing my photos, per Susan Sanford's suggestion -- and it's a good one. (Do go check out her "Nature Boy" today!) I put huge photos on this blog, and I suppose they take many computers a while to "work" with them. But I just love seeing everyone's work up close and in detail. I'll bet most of you know what I mean.
In one of thes
The lilies had no smell, by the way. Just looked wonderful -- creamy ivory color. I probably have orange dust on the end of my nose. I haven't checked yet. Just took these and rushed them to you before they were even dry!
I think in one of the photos, the one with the big white slash of sky above, my nose looks swollen, like it fo
I've begun my Disco project and I think I might have stumbled on an idea tonight. Can't wait to see where it leads me.
And, oh, yeah, I had that thing done today where you stand by the big humming, ice-cold machine and have your breasts ironed flat, only not with heat. Good for me. I made my yearly appointment and KEPT it. How about you other ladies out there? - fEmmInIsMo

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I posted quite a few more randomized images since you were on last night. I use a Nikom D300, so the automatic functions of the camera are pretty accurate- and astonishing. I absolutely was not looking through the lens. Pretty fun what resulted. A number of gestures, expressions, moments, are less self-conscious in every way, and have a nice discovered poetry to them, in my view. It was a fun process, and interesting in its way.
I also enjoyed viewing your work- interesting honest stuff.
Lloyd (Wolf)
- main website
other blogs viewable from my profile)
These are superb, Jeanne. I love them and your courage in the face of random theory (lol) gives Me a lot to think about.
That next to last photo is so dreamlike... I love it but then, I love them all. The colours are fantasy incorporated, imho.
That thing? That thing! What the--??? Is it that time again? Didn't I just do this???!
Your Pal
what a GREAT idea! I think my fav it the third image (or second down on the left). :)
I just got a reminder...oooohhhh... goody.... I wish you could just show up and get it done. I'll be thinking of you over the sound of the whirring machine. Just gives me goose bumps thinking about it!! hahhahahaha
Love, Jen...the sarcastic sister.: )
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