LET'S leave that video behind and speak of events that have lifted us up into this great new spring we're embarking into. (Sorry if I've been away a bit.)
I guess I like to think of us on some big boat - all together - emerging from the winter storms into a calmer, more energizing sea.
A Sea Change! That's what we've gotten, with the birds trilling at twilight. The Mister and I heard one bird last night, giving three whistles and then a warble. Three whistles, then a warble. (Anyone? Anyone? Anyone know what this bird is?) Some other bird with the same call, but further away, trilled right back at him/her. Courtship going on all over the place and the leaves on the trees obligingly filling out to hide those nests way up in their branches. (No one will ever find us here, my darling!)
Long after we thought it would never end, winter has yielded and seems set for a better

course. Today (Sunday) there were torrents of rain and more expected tomorrow, but Saturday was a glorious day and our hoes and rakes got no rest. Neither did our backs, arms, legs and shoulders.
The Mister hacked vile weeds from the yard and I went around with the rake and wheelbarrow and hauled them to the compost barrel. (good riddance)
I planted sweet peas in a tray, inside, to let them root and then place those seedlings in the ground outside. This method is from a magazine article and since my sweet peas tend to mysteriously disappear (hungry sharp-eyed birds?) I thought I would try this and grow them up a bit before planting. I'll let you know how it goes.
The mossy culvert pipe is from our trip up to the property last weekend. This pipe used to be part of the old bridge (I think) before it washed away after beavers dammed the river. Looks like a glorious hideout now doesn't it, if a sudden downpour should strike.
Our area
is bursting forth in blossoms - on the trees and bushes. This flower was so sweet-smelling, it reminded me of daphne. The shrub was very large, however, and the flowers were there first with little leaves coming out now. Anyone know what it is? Three blooms perfumed my whole office.

This lush ornamental tree is close to my office, too, and is a very nice shape. The flowers are translucent - the pink and white so pretty it makes a little ache in your throat. I absolutely had to share them.
makes me remember the little valley where I grew up. It could have been England, the hills were such a verdant green, and in the afternoon when the golden sun was setting and the smell of lilacs and cherry blossoms perfumed the air, it was all you would want for a magic kingdom.
We now have peonies blooming in our own back yard and I will (again) hate to see the petals fall once they are done. For now, here is just a sample - femminismo
p.s. Tuesday night I start "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"