The blinders are used during fraternal initiations, when "candidates" who want to join the fraternity (not a college fraternity; the Masons) put them on for just a while to participate in the ceremony they go through.
I have no clue what else the ceremony entails, but I do know it is nothing unholy and involves no animal sacrifices. It is quite inspirational, I guess, and solemn.
It was quite dark inside the blinders before I opened them up by holding the little knobs and tipping them up. There is quite a strong spring on one side, which yields when the knobs are flipped and stretches to allow the blinders to open up.
It was a frantically busy day today with two projects actually finished and one halfway done. Then we went out to the Red Lobster for dinner with my son and daughter-in-law and my granddaughter and her fiancé. Restaurant food always - usually - *sounds* like a good idea, but nothing beats a home-cooked meal. Imagine the amount of food you could buy for $130. (The Reisling was very good, however.) Now I am sitting here typing with a stomach that feels as if it contains an entire watermelon. And I am getting so sleepy . . . femminismo
You know, you look a little bit like catwoman...!
You should have worn them to Red Lobster!
They would protect against butter splatters...
this really made me giggle.xthanks lyndps. came from Judy's blog to you..glad l didx
You would have fit right in with where I went this weekend! Yes, I like Red Lob, and love love love those little cheese biscuits but I agree that homecooked is unbeatable.
Oh, the cheese biscuits are beyond compare. They would be good added to plenty of other foods - like meatloaf or crumbs for roast chicken.
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