Happy Samhain! Celebrate the harvest time along with the full moon and clear skies here in Oregon. Happy Halloween! A fairy princess showed up at my door, along with other demons and haunts under four feet high. But there are still some miniature Snickers for us grownups!

I was painting paper in my little journal book while my brother answered the door and handed out treats. There were plenty of small ones still out on the streets when I drove him home at 7:30 p.m. Not too many trick-or-treaters this year again.
In looking online for Halloween pictures I found this funny one of a party thrown by radio star Doris Dudley. That is her house in the orange picture above. What characters, huh? (I love the Life magazine images that Google hosts. There are so many good ones, and so long as you're not using them for profit, you're allowed to use them.
Tonight at midnight NaNoWriMo begins. I am signed up to begin. My brother and I are going to a library used book sale tomorrow and I hope to get some writing done at the same time. I'm hoping other Nanos will be there. I am writing for donations this year. I have pledged to raise $250, and just like in a marathon I will "run" so many words out of my fingers if you'll support me. Contact me to find out how.
Hope your holiday evening was not too spooky and that you didn't hand out all your candy, but still have a bit left for yourself - femminismo
Great photos, Jeanne. Say, it rained here so no real Tricksters showing up. I am left holding a BIG bag of my favourite candy -- Reese's peanut butter cups. YUMMO.
And now the veil settling over the landscape once more, I bid you happy hauntings.
Your Pal
Great photo, the dark haired lady looks exactly like my aunt from Wales.
Yes it is such a wonderful time - I decided not to use electricity and to light candles - I had a lovely candlelit night!
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