The ancient practice of journal writing made more simple - or maybe not. Sizing the photos and then sitting down to complete the task: There's nothing simple here.
But I have some things to show you. I transplanted two miniature roses in the front yard on Monday and it was very, very warm here suddenly. So when I decided to take a break, I got some water, fruit and then checked in the old mail box - the one that sits by the side of our road - not the one on the computer.
And there in the mailbox was my artwork from Seth Apter, the Altered Page guru. I admire his work so much I sent away for some of it and now got to take a break! A cool glass of water, a piece of fruit (yes, that's a pear that's very well traveled on the bumpy road of life) and a package to open is!
I really like the Madonna and child, Seth, and thanks for the wonderful wrapping. I have taken the plastic bag inside and filled it with the string, tissue paper, and some items from my work table and desk. JoAnn, my pal, also donated some great stuff. Now to leave the baggie of stuff somewhere so someone can make a grand art project from the findings. More fun and nothing goes to waste.
I also worked in the back yard at the potting table, and although
At the back of the yard I was leaning over the fence, admiring our neighbor's orchard and the way the sun was setting in the west. The grass is carpeted with white violets - if you click on the sunset photo and look toward the base of the tree on the left y
Here is a closeup of some of the white violets that have crept over into our yard. (The purple and white ones cross pollinate (I guess?) and we have lovely light blue and lavender ones.) The Mister is such a sweetheart, since he puts off cutting the grass until the crocus and the violets have had their time.
The soft, warm spring air is full of sweet flying insects and the birds are getting their fill in this pleasant weather. I hope you are happy, safe and content tonight and I hope tomorrow finds you with something to do that makes you feel even more content and pleased with yourself and the world - femminismo
I DO see them at the base of the tree. And that is a gorgeous photo by the way. Yes, the PAST winter, I hope -- however, 30F last night, brrrrr.... but 74F tomorrow. What the...?
Rendezvous is becoming a little book! I really should mail it to you.
Your Pal
You have been busy! Sorry I haven't posted the library card - I am going to get it done over the Easter weekend as I finally have an idea to progress it! - have been away for a few days and full time in college for a week! Finally I can breathe again.
Your pics are so pretty! What a nice day for you!! You're such a good writer as well!
Yes, srping has sprung! And it's looking gorgeous! Violets grow like weeds (in all the wrong places) in my yard, but I love them anyway. I've tried transplanting them to where I want them, but they die immediately in protest. So now I let them have their way (I am a push over- ask my kids).
Happy Easter!
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