With these two mail-in ballots, the Mister and I are ready and willing to take the chance to change our country's direction.
I think, however, that with determination and thoughtfulness, WE are the real change agents. It is up to us to dedicate ourselves to stepping forward and helping out in America.
I hope that, on Nov. 4, we will see Barack Obama elected president of the U.S. Already, the excitement of millions who believe as we do - that our country's best hours are ahead - is mounting.
Tonight I am also stepping forward to volunteer to help change our country in another way. I am going to ask if Adelante Mujeres can use my help. I would like to be of some use to the young women who attend this school to better their lives, and the lives of their children. I would like to help them in some way - perhaps teaching them to read and write. Those are the skills I have to share and I do not think that Obama can change America all by himself. No one can.
We must support his administration while demanding the changes we were promised and not allow "politics as usual" to hold sway in Washington, D.C.
And we must be looking for ways to help in our own communities because there is so much that needs to be done by those who can afford to help. Donate one hour of the time you usually spend in front of the television or computer and make this country and its people stronger!
There; my heart is on my sleeve - femminismo
I'm with you, femminismo. A friend once said, "You can't change the world for the better." I said, "But I can change myself. And if we all change ourselves in this way, then the world herself *will* change."
Good for you. And good for others.
Your friend
A totally agree with you soul sister! It amazes me that I know people that are otherwise rational, normal people, but who vehemently support the McCain/Palin ticket. Odd...if nothing else, at least the Bush era has engendered a lot of interest in voting from a normally apathetic public.
Jane (from the Soul Journaling group)
Wish I lived in the States so I could have voted with you! I was really impressed by his environmental stance. :O)
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