Saturday, January 24, 2009

Inspired by Seth at The Altered Page.

I REALLY don't know what Seth, at The Altered Page, is up to, but I have an inkling, a premonition, a presentiment, a hint, a suspicion, a vague idea.
He took pages from a book, wrapped them with string and said something about a project called "Disintegration," and "winter is the right time to begin," and nature is his co-conspirator. He showed his project in the beginning - which you can see by clicking on the link above under his blog's name.
I sacrificed one of Robert Louis Stevenson's works to see what Mother Nature and I could come up with. Today is the 24th of January, not exactly the beginning of winter, but let's see what spring brings. You can tell by the photo that now, right now, it's official: I am a certifiable nutcase. Or an artiste! Your choice, but I hope you pick artiste.
I am still enjoying the oil painting I bought yesterday. It is such a jewel! Check it out below if you didn't get to see it. Enjoy this day. Do something creative that verges on nuttiness and see what happens - femminismo
p.s. Keeping me honest, I must admit I changed the photo since I was here last. I decided to paint the pages a bit with gesso and acrylic - to give them just a little color and protection. That's all. Over and out.


Seth said...

A book tree!! Awesome. And you are so on the right track. Check my blog soon for an update...and a link back to you!

Candace said...

Jeanne! This is great. Yeah, I like Seth's blog too, he's always up to something like somebody else I know on this here blog.
Cannot wait to see what happens with this and also where else you take us along with you, artistically speaking, this year.

Always a pleasure to visit this site.
Your Friend

RosieK said...

Hi Jeanne - pleased to have found your page through a link from Seth I find this project fascinating as I have done the same thing with 16mm film and 35mm slide transpariences - you get some fantastic images especially when the worms have had a go at them - now I am inspiredto try with books - I am making my first bookwork as part of an 'book art collaboration' pop over to my blog if you'd like to know more - thanks for the sharing

Judy Wise said...

Me too!! I'm going to put something out to disintegrate today. Thanks to you and Seth for the inspiration. (maybe I'll get the ball rolling with a little nitric acid, hee hee) xo

Anonymous said...

I think that "Disintegration" comes naturally to some of us. Pass the OLAY Regenerist please....
...and I love the open possibilities of this concept. Will check back in.

Unknown said...

I came here from Seth's blog .... from what he's up to and what you've done, I may give this a go. We get lot's of weather here through July 1st - so I'll be good to go as far as what mother nature contributes :)

Judy said...

I am loving these posts - cant wait to see what happens.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the disintegration will be totally artful!!!

eb said...

loving this project and all the interpretations - so cool a book tree!

xox - eb.

Mrs Pretzel said...

Giving a whole new meaning to "the reading tree" lol I love it!!

Clarence P said...

I love how you embraced creativity by incorporating nature into your art project.